TWO public areas of Gibraltar are being brought to life in separate government projects.
The John Mackintosh Hall is now more sustainable with Governor’s Parade next to get a major facelift.
“Visitors to the John Mackintosh Hall will now find recycling bins for paper, plastic, cans and Tetra Briks in the main courtyard and on the first floor,” said the government.
“We are also committed to reducing waste, with all staff having access to recycling bins for paper, plastic and electrical waste in their offices.”
A water fountain in the centre of the Hall’s courtyard has become popular with two ‘dog zones’ created outside the main entrance.
“Users can now leave their pets outside temporarily whilst visiting the Hall,” said the Gibraltar Cultural Services.
“Cyclists will now be able to park their bicycles in a designated rack, located in the alleyway between the Hall and the Gibraltar International Bank.”
“It is important that public buildings lead in all aspects of sustainability, and the John Mackintosh Hall is one such building, being our main cultural hub,” Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Culture John Cortes said.
“Culture and cultural events provide great opportunities for improving our environmental performance as a community and we are fully committed to achieving this.”
Squared up
The ‘Piazella’ in Governor’s Parade will be next up for urban renewal beside O’Callaghan’s Hotel.
New benches with wheelchair access will be installed, with better flooring, lighting, trees and bushes.
Works will start now to replace four False Acacias trees with six mature plane trees, like those in Commonwealth Park.
Cortes, who is also responsible for Urban renewal, was nostalgic about the square to get the facelift.
“I remember this square was last refurbished many years ago when I was a child, as I used to walk across it on my way to school,” said Cortes.
“It was high time we renewed it.”
As a keen environmentalist Cortes highlighted the increase of trees.
“I am especially grateful to the proprietors of the establishments in the square who are fully supporting the refurbishment,” he concluded.
“Once the works are completed I am sure Governor’s Square will once more become another hub of social and cultural activity in the heart of our City.”