WAITING lists at two of Costa Blanca’s largest hospitals are HALF the regional average, figures released today show.

Average waiting times for operations at The University Hospital of Torrevieja and Hospital del Vinalopó in Elche are only 39 and 45 days, respectively.
This compares to the 86 day average of the Valencian community, according to figures released by the Department of Health.
At the University Hospital of Torrevieja, figures were broken down to show how certain specialities differ in waiting times for the operation.

Data reveals a 30 day wait for maxillofacial surgery, 28 days for traumatology, 89 days for plastic surgery, 12 days for thoracic surgery, 55 days for vascular surgery, 22 days for dermatology, 28 days for gynaecology, 41 days for ophthalmology, 25 days for ENT and 60 days for urology.
If any Olive Press readers have recent experiences at either of these hospitals, please share them with us at newsdesk@theolivepress.es