24 Jan, 2020 @ 16:22
1 min read

Tests in Spain on suspected carriers of China Coronavirus come back negative


THE two people being tested for the Coronavirus in Spain are not carrying the virus, it has been confirmed. 

The director of the Centre for Health Coordination and Emergencies of the Ministry of Health, Fernando Simon, told reporters that both patients have tested negative.

It came after Simon told journalists one of the cases had a ‘very low’ probability of testing positive and the other even lesser so.

A lethal cousin of the common cold, the virus has so far killed at least 26 and infected almost 900.

It has so far spread from China to the US, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Laurence Dollimore

Laurence has a BA and MA in International Relations and a Gold Standard diploma in Multi-Media journalism from News Associates in London. He has almost a decade of experience and previously worked as a senior reporter for the Mail Online in London.

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