ROJALES Town Council have provided temporary relief to the huge parking problem caused by essential roadworks.
They have just started a €700,000 road improvement plan to transform the main thoroughfare in Ciudad Quesada, Avenue de las Naciones.
However, there has been much frustration from locals because of the instant removal of dozens of parking spaces on that road.
Peter Corner, a Quesada regular from Liverpool, commented, “These roadworks could choke the life out of Quesada’a busiest street, replacement car parks are desperately-needed.”
One way traffic along the entire street will soon be in operation, as engineers re-route utilities and resurface the road, one side at a time.
Consequently, the ‘zig-zag’ parking bays have been removed, eventually being replaced by a wider and safer pavement on the north side.
The council have managed to lease some spare land nearby in Calle Sola (entrance opposite The Old Don Carlos) and also on Calle Azul (behind the BIG FM studios).
Once the road has been resurfaced and new walkways installed om each side, a mini-roundabout is to be built at the busy four-way junction beside the Municipal Center.
If the Quesada roadworks are affecting your business in any way, please contact us at