11 Dec, 2019 @ 14:52
1 min read

BREAKING: Major runaway suspect wanted in connection with 155 kilo cocaine haul CAUGHT on the Rock

Rgp Helmet

A SUSPECTED Croatian drug trafficker has been arrested in Gibraltar by the local drug squad on a European Arrest Warrant.

Croatian National Nikola Katic, 43, was detained on December 9 by RGP officers at Waterport Terraces on a request of the Supreme Court of Croatia made in February 2019.

“Katic is wanted in his country on suspicion of involvement in trafficking 155 kilograms of cocaine,” said the Royal Gibraltar Police.

“The suspected drug trafficker was arrested at an address in Waterport Terraces.”

RGP Commissioner Ian McGrail said he was satisfied with the arrest highlighting the importance of European police and judicial cooperation.

“It is through international law enforcement networks and systems, that the RGP finds itself once again in the hot-seat of intervening to capture an alleged major drug trafficker,” said McGrail.

“European Arrest Warrants are an effective Europe wide legal mechanism to bring suspects of serious crime to justice.

“The RGP will continue to execute these orders and contribute in international efforts to stamp out organized crime.”

Katic will be appearing at Gibraltar’s Magistrates Court on December 12.

The UK could lose the ability to use the European Arrest Warrant after Brexit if the Tories come to office.

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