6 Dec, 2019 @ 20:52
1 min read

Children at infant school grill Chief Minister on leadership qualities during visit on Friday


A variety of activities were organised for the visit of Fabian Picardo to St Mary’s School, just round the corner from No. 6 Convent Place.

The Chief Minister took part in the school’s humanities curriculum where Year 2 students looked at Gibraltar’s Chief Ministers.

“Using the recent general elections as their springboard, they discussed the mechanisms of an election, the role of the electorate in electing our Government and responsible citizenship,” said No.6.

“Children had already learned about the ways in which Governments serve their communities and discussed why voting is important.”

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The pupils examined all the the different party manifestos, before creating their own for a ‘school election’.

They also discussed the reasons behind their ideas and the way in which they had voted.

With the election won on the promise of a Children’s City, the trip could easily have been a research trip for the Chief Minister as well.


Leadership was also discussed with the leader of the GSLP, who has taken his party to his third term in government in a row.

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“They cast a wide net looking at leaders around the world before focusing on Gibraltar’s Chief Ministers,” said the government.

“They then incorporated local history by looking back at past Chief Ministers and creating a timeline display of Chief Ministers using a range of media.

“The children also used iPads to create fact books about the Gibraltar’s past Chief Ministers.”

The use of technology they are familiar with is helping children get in touch with the world of computers that previous generations have had to learn.

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Finally, the schoolkids asked Picardo questions before they were invited to the government offices at Number 6 Convent Place.

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