A NARCO submarine has been busted trying to smuggle more than two tonnes of cocaine into Spain today.
The underwater device, which was located on the Galician coast, is reported to have come from Colombia, South America.
Its two alleged drivers, from Ecuador, have been arrested.
The submarine was located off the coast of Aldan, in Pontevedra, Galicia.
It is believed to have been constructed in Guyana and ‘has been operating for years,’ according to investigators.
The find came following an international investigation involving Policia Nacional, Guardia Civil and Customs Surveillance (DAVA).
The submarine is reportedly currently being brought to shore.
Pablo Escobar, Colombia’s most infamous drug trafficker, is believed to have been among the first to use submarines to smuggle drugs.
He is credited with the 11 metre, remote-controlled device found in the middle of the jungle in the 1990s.
Things have clearly developed since then, with this driven submarine having navigated across the Atlantic Ocean.
Galicia has long been a hotbed for drug smuggling from South America.