BOSSES need to learn how to understand dyslexics and make it easier for them at work.
This is the advice of Stuart Byrne, chairperson of the Dyslexia Support Group who works for the Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses.
He is organising a conference on dyslexia in business featuring top UK speakers at the John Mackintosh Hall theatre.
Kate Griggs and Ben Cooke are recognised around the world for their work on the condition of dyslexia.
The course came about after the local group was invited to a global summit on dyslexia.
There the local delegation met the founder and CEO of charity Made in Dyslexia’, Kate Griggs, who is coming for the conference.
The percentage of the genetic condition of dyslexia in Gibraltar could be around 15%.
‘Dyslexia comes in varying degrees so someone might not even know they have it,’ said Byrne.
‘For bosses, education is the key to understand the strengths and weaknesses of dyslexics.
‘Modern technology has been helpful in creating tools for dyslexics to learn and work.’
The free seminars will take place on September 24 at 9am with everyone welcome to attend.