THE Government of Gibraltar has been questioned over its no deal Brexit planning following a leaked UK government report.
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has been quick to dismiss the claims as ‘out-of-date’ and based on ‘planning for worst case scenarios.’

But today the main opposition party, the Gibraltar Social Democrats, have called on his government to be clearer on the issue of no deal planning.
“It is obvious we should be planning hard for a no deal Brexit .
“The election of Boris Johnson has brought that prospect much closer, ” said GSD Leader Keith Azopardi
“The Government needs to invest more time and resources on no deal planning and do so in a much more radical way.
“Time will tell whether those preparations have been effective.”

The Yellowhammer report highlights the risk of disruption to the supply of goods, including food, medicine and the shipment of waste.
Picardo said: “As a responsible Government, we plan for the worst case scenarios, even though we are confident they will not occur.”