17 Aug, 2019 @ 17:03
1 min read

OPINION: We need answers on why British vet was denied hospital trip – on 3 occasions

TOWN halls need to break their silence on why a British war veteran was denied a trip to the hospital on three separate occasions.

The Olive Press revealed this week that David Walter West, 73, fought to ‘keep himself alive’ when paramedics ‘failed him’.

Ignoring the cries for help of an elderly man with a head injury is a disgrace and someone must be held accountable.

Treating a person this way has a dehumanising effect and makes life in Spain that bit more difficult and lonely than it already can be for many.

In David’s case doctors only took notice of him when Casares Councillor Antonia Pineda used her position to throw some weight behind David’s pleas.

But most Costa del Sol residents probably do not have the ear of a local politician and therefore may not be as lucky.

We cannot allow this to happen again, things must change.

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