9 Aug, 2019 @ 15:29
1 min read

Andalucia is best place to have sex in Spain for fifth year in row, study finds

HAPPY: New study reveals that Andalucia is the best place in Spain to have six

ANDALUCIA is the best place in Spain to have sex, a new study has found.

For the fifth consecutive year the southernmost Spanish region has been declared unbeatable in the bedroom.


The autonomous community was voted the most sexually accomplished by 18% of voters in a survey by Condom brand Control.

Second best was the Canary Islands with 9.6%, while the worst region between the sheets was Navarra with 1.7%, according to the poll.

TOP DOG: Andalucia has been declared the best in bed for the fifth year in a row

The study of 18-35-year-olds, conducted through online questionnaires, revealed that six out of 10 Spaniards have sex once a week or less frequently.

However, 75.4% of participants said they would prefer to have sex every two to three days.

Meanwhile, the favourite sexual position was ‘missionary’, opted for by 64.9% of Spaniards, while 51.8% said they had sex ‘doggy style’.

After the home, the most popular place for sex was the beach, with 53.4% of voters having slept with someone there.

That was followed by changing rooms with 29.9% and in lifts, 26%.

Meanwhile, 34.1% admitted they used vibrators, while 25.4% said they were keen to give it a try.

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