ANDALUCIA is the best place in Spain to have sex, a new study has found.
For the fifth consecutive year the southernmost Spanish region has been declared unbeatable in the bedroom.
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The autonomous community was voted the most sexually accomplished by 18% of voters in a survey by Condom brand Control.
Second best was the Canary Islands with 9.6%, while the worst region between the sheets was Navarra with 1.7%, according to the poll.

The study of 18-35-year-olds, conducted through online questionnaires, revealed that six out of 10 Spaniards have sex once a week or less frequently.
However, 75.4% of participants said they would prefer to have sex every two to three days.
Meanwhile, the favourite sexual position was ‘missionary’, opted for by 64.9% of Spaniards, while 51.8% said they had sex ‘doggy style’.
After the home, the most popular place for sex was the beach, with 53.4% of voters having slept with someone there.
That was followed by changing rooms with 29.9% and in lifts, 26%.
Meanwhile, 34.1% admitted they used vibrators, while 25.4% said they were keen to give it a try.