A TODDLER had a near-miss with a flying bottle of gin as a stag party en route to Alicante turned rowdy.
Passengers on the Vueling flight complained of drunken behaviour from a group of 25 to 30 men, who scared children on board by loudly joking about the plane crashing.
A steward reportedly asked the group to calm down, but continued to serve them spirits even after the plane ran out of beer.
Esther Jenkins, 44, from Pontypridd, was among the passengers on the flight on July 18 who had to put up with the behaviour.
She told Wales Online: “The group were noisy throughout the flight, using bad language in their every day conversation. As the flight went on, they became louder.
“A steward did ask them to keep the noise down on two occasions, however, alcohol was continued to be served to them.
“It got to the point where there was no beer left so they were then being served wine and shorts.
“I was aware of a miniature bottle of gin being thrown down the aeroplane narrowly missing a young toddler in the aisle. I would like to think that this was not thrown intentionally.

“At one point, there was a discussion going on about the flight crashing which scared my 10 year old daughter who is a frequent flyer.
“About halfway through the flight, one of the group did say to some of the others about watching their language due to there being young children on the flight to which he had the reply ‘We are on f**king holidays too’.
“They also had a large speaker with them and thought it would be funny to start playing music as we landed.”
A spokeswoman from Vueling said: “We are sorry to hear about Mrs. Jenkins’ experience on board.
“Our crew is trained to analyze and identify abusive behavior from passengers and we can assure that they had the situation under control in this occasion.
“We always try to provide customers with the best possible experience when travelling with us and we apologise if our service fell below expectations.”
I note that 10 July was nearly two weeks before schools finished for summer in Cardiff. If people insist on taking their children on holiday during ADULT times, they run the risk of encountering ADULT behaviour. Why do parents insist that everyone bends over backwards for their offspring when they clearly have no respect for their own children’s education?
Sad, but Britons should be banned from entering Spain
Child catcher what a pathetic comment ADULT Times. No time is for lout behaviour and everyone on a flight has the right to be taken care off. This type of behaviour related to British not just Welsh in this case needs to be stamped out with the warning if you can’t behave you will be banned from flying with any Airline.