GIBRALTAR will fight a no-deal Brexit under Boris Johnson OR Jeremy Hunt.
That was the promise made by Chief Minister Fabian Picardo this week as the battle for leadership of the Conservative party heats up.
It comes as the Rock is facing the worst case scenario after former Foreign Secretary Johnson pledged to leave the EU ‘with or without a deal’ on October 31.

“We’re all waiting anxiously to see who becomes leader of the Conservative party and the direction the UK should pursue,” Picardo told the Olive Press.
“I know Boris well…I worked with him in the past when he was in the Home Office.
“I also worked with Jeremy Hunt in the Foreign Office.
“But either way, we will ensure that whoever becomes Prime Minister of the UK understands that Gibraltar is a priority.

“Gibraltar has a lot in play with Brexit and Gibraltar is going to ensure that we don’t lose out as a result of Brexit.”
The leader of the Rock has repeatedly called for the revoking of Article 50 over the past few months and wants to see Brexit shelved.
Picardo added: “I have never hidden my position and I will continue to make the position of the people of Gibraltar abundantly clear.
“I know they will all want to work with the Chief Minister of Gibraltar to deliver for Gibraltar as much as for the United Kingdom.”

It comes as Boris Johnson’s team has been accused of breaching data protection laws amid calls by a minister and a former Conservative MP for the information watchdog to investigate the Number 10 candidate.
Harriet Baldwin, a Foreign Office minister, and former Bath MP Ben Howlett have also asked party chairman Brandon Lewis to launch a probe.
It is suspected that the Johnson camp used phone number and email lists from previous campaigns, which – if true – would breach the general data protection regulation (GDPR).