5 Jul, 2019 @ 17:02
1 min read

‘I will work hard for you’, promises Bill Anderson, the first ever Brit to serve on Mijas Council

AT the time of writing this, we should have had a government in place in Mijas for almost two weeks. Instead we have to wait until July 5 for the investiture and appointment of the government.

This is thanks to VOX who presented last minute in the elections, whose number one on the list resigned and then, a day or so before the elections, un-resigned, leaving the number two on the list who headed their ‘campaign’ without the one seat they had won.

This has gone to court and it was decided that the said number one is to have the seat.

Now we have to wait and see if they will appeal the decision and possibly delay things even further.

People keep asking me what is going to happen. Is Angel Nozal going to be Mayor? Is he going to pact with another party? Are the other parties going to pact?

Frankly, I haven’t a clue.

What I do know is that parties will need to work together, whether in coalition or informally to move Mijas forward.

I have also been asked how it feels to be a councillor.

Actually, I am still technically ‘councillor elect’ until the investiture.

Honestly, it doesn’t yet feel any different than before.

I am still going to my work in the morning, still grading students’ papers and filling in the mountain of paperwork that goes with teaching at a university. And it will continue this way until July 5.

Whether we end up in government or in opposition, I am still clear what I want: a clean, safe Mijas, led by a forward-thinking and responsive government.

I would like to see a system which facilitates, rather than prevents; a system which is inclusive, whether we are talking about the children of Mijas, the unemployed, the elderl, or the disabled. I would like the opportunity to work closely with the ‘International Community’, to give answers, to inform, to involve and to help with integration.

As the first Brit to serve on Mijas Council – and only the second ‘foreigner’ to be in this position in 40 years of democratic government – I want to acknowledge the commitment Angel Nozal made to the International Community of Mijas firstly by inviting me to work with him and secondly by placing me high on the list, ensuring a seat for the Internationals.

It will be up to me as to how I work for the people of Mijas. I have a lot of plans, but these will to some extent be determined by the outcome of the vote for Mayor on July 5.

If Angel is successful, I will be working full-time for Mijas. If we are in opposition, I will continue my teaching and balance the two tasks.

In either case, I will be available to the Mijas community and will work hard for you.

Staff Reporter

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