WITH Theresa May stepping down and a Conservative election now on the cards for a new prime minister, with Boris Johnson the frontrunner, one does have to wonder if this is what he planned all along?
A quite devious, rather convoluted plan nonetheless, but quite an interesting ‘conspiracy theory’, don’t you think? You heard it here first…
Currently the next general election is scheduled for May 5, 2022.
It would require two thirds of MPs to vote for an election, or to give a vote of no confidence. Many commentators believe senior Tories would rather put up with a restless electorate than face the very real probability of a wipeout at the polls if an election were called before Britain’s departure from the EU.
So let’s hope if Boris Johnson does get in, he can perform miracles to reinvigorate commerce and pull us back on track.
There are those courageous souls who will still move forward with their ‘home in the sun’ dreams, or perhaps just get out while the going’s good!

They will be glad to know that agreements are already firmly in place between the UK and the 27 EU members on legal residency, healthcare and the UK state pension for the transitional period up to December 31, 2020.
This means Britons will continue to benefit from the UK government’s ‘triple lock’, so their state pension will keep pace with inflation.
What will happen thereafter will be anyone’s guess, but since there are pensioners and expats affected on both sides – one would hope and anticipate a balanced and fair final outcome for all expats on all sides.
Returning the focus back to Mallorca, when embarking on the journey of searching for a property, the biggest decision to make at the start is which agent or agents to use.
What many new arrivals looking for a new place in the sun do not realise is that estate agents work very differently from the UK, in that there is very little property exclusivity.
That is mainly because different agents focus on and attract different nationalities, which means that many agents have very similar properties – so in fact there really is no reason to contact multiple agents when searching, but finding the right one is key.

One who works with their interests at heart to find the right property in the right location, and works in association with all the main agents on the island, saving time and hassle dealing with a multitude of agents and contacts is ideal.
That’s where using an agent who is a member of a new association on the island, Real Estates United (REU), such as myself, comes in very handy.
Made up of around 70 agents, they all pool resources and properties in search of the right property for their client.
Sometimes the agent will have the right property, and sometimes the right client for another agent’s property.
Collaboration and communication is key.
Equally if you have a property to sell it is worth checking if they are members of REU which will ensure greater coverage, with less hassle, and less work.
You can contact Real Estate’s United on www.realestatesunited.com.
For any questions or if you require assistance with selling or buying a property you can contact Amanda on ajb@mjcassociates.net