SPAIN has insisted the UK enter into negotiations to put an end to the ‘colonial situation’ of Gibraltar at a UN committee hearing.
The UN Decolonisation Committee has heard from Spanish representative Agustin Santos Maraver, who also accused London of not fulfilling its obligations with respect to Gibraltar.
On previous occasions, the Spanish UN envoy has described the Gibraltar issue as an ‘anachronistic situation’ and insisted that it is ‘the only colony’ on the European continent.
“Spain calls for negotiations with the United Kingdom to put an end to this colonial situation, which will take into account the interests of the population of the Territory, and today we reiterate our call to the United Kingdom to do so,” argued Santos.
Gibraltar’s Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has also spoken before the committee and has insisted Gibraltar be withdrawn from the list of colonised territories.
The Gibraltarian authorities have long tried unsuccessfully to get the committee to drop the issue and Picardo has even invited a UN delegation to visit the Rock.
Picardo said: “Come and see our house for yourselves and that justice is done and that we are finally eliminated from your list.”