VINCE Cable has warned that Brexit will ‘really hurt’ Gibraltar.
The leader of the Liberal Democrats made the warning during a visit to the frontier.
During the whistle-stop visit, he insisted the UK’s departure from the EU was ‘not a good option’ for the Rock.
“It’s very clear that Brexit is not a good option for Gibraltar,” Cable, 76, told the Olive Press.

“The overwhelming majority of people here voted against it.
“They’re more British than the British and more European than the Europeans. They want to keep those two identities and that is absolutely right.
“Brexit will potentially cause serious disruption.”
He continued: “The Spanish have played games with Gibraltar in the past and it was the intercession of the European Union that brought them back into line.
“Now if we walk away without a deal – which is what Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson among others are arguing for they’re totally vulnerable.”
He believes that the UK needs to stay in the European Union to ‘fight these damaging pressures’.

The leader believes the process of Brexit is not going well even though there is currently ‘an anti-Brexit majority in the House of Commons’.
He believes optimistically, however, that the decision could still be reversed.
“Brexit is going badly,” he continued. “The only way to resolve it is to go back to the people with the option to remain.
“We now have a good prospect of remaining in the EU which is what people in Gibraltar want.”
He also insisted he had no regrets about the coalition that brought the Tories and David Cameron to power in 2011.
“It was the right thing to do in the circumstances,” said Cable. “We had a very good coalition government that provided strong and stable government.
“Nowadays, Britain is sadly a very divided country and we need to get past Brexit to get back to the things that really matter.”
Cable is right about Brexit, but criminally wrong about the Lib-Dem Tory coalition. The effects of that treacherous tie-up are still bringing folk to foodbanks by the million, causing the deaths of disabled people, hollowing out the police service, promoting ignorance in the education system (university fees), zero-hour contracts with lousy pay and conditions, opportunities for filthy racists to parade their hate ( the “hostile environment” which still breaks people’s spirit )
All this is the tip of the iceberg, culminating in the madness of Brexit, which is the erroneous reaction to the vicious austerity levied on the British people. Sorry Gibraltar, you should not have been dragged into this mess. Nor should Scotland.
stefanjo, you misunderstand what happened in the UK. The cuts in spending etc etc etc were all caused by the Labour party spending all the money in the bank, then borrowing more and spending that and then setting even higher spending levels that could not be matched.
None of this had anything to do with Brexit, we voted out because we can see the EU has no answer on illegal immigration, the Greek debt, the Italian banks and most of all unemployment.
The EU is not working for the unemployed but Macron says the answer is deeper integration. Merkel says open the borders and let more people
An utterly absurd apologia for the vicious cuts visited on the Brit nation by Cameron, Osborne and the weasel Clegg. The banks collapsed due to gambling, the poor were made to pay, the rich were rewarded with tax-cuts and the banks bailed out with money that should have been used to run the country. After which, constant propaganda persuaded the naive that it was all the fault of the Labour Party.
Then of course the coward Cameron threw the country to the Brexit dogs and promptly disappeared to his shed to be closer to his wallet, leaving the country to the tender mercies of the Maybot.
Now we face the Abyss and the smirks of Farage.
How much money has Tony Blair made since he left office?
Reread my comment, I did not stand up for the Tory Party, I agree they were stupid and got a lot wrong.
But I stick to my point, Labour was wrong to spend more than the country earned,and therefor caused the debt. I did not say the Labour Party caused the downturn, yes it was the banks but Labour did not have a reserves to ride out the problems the banks caused.
As for the myth the “Poor” were made to pay, Tories have put up Tax Allowances and put off the Fuel Duty rises that Labour planned. The other myth that the rich were rewarded seems flawed when you learn that the top 1% of income tax payers pay 28% of the total income tax payed to the government.