A SPANISH nun could face three years in prison after changing the election ballot of two pensioners from PSOE to PP.
The alleged crime took place in an old people’s home, as the sister accompanied the pair of elderly residents to the polling station for the April 28 general election.
One of the pensioners, at the Mercy of Bilbao residence, had wanted to vote for the ruling Socialist PSOE party and the other, the centrist Basque party, the PNV.
Regional affiliate of the PSOE, the PSE-EE said the Electoral Board had registered the potential crime, which could land the nun with a jail term of between six and 36 months.

It is not known if the nun changed the slips herself or if it was done via a third party, before she put them in the envelopes for the election staff.
She was apparently caught red-handed inserting PP ballots into the envelopes, and documents from the time of the incident have now been handed over to the Office of the Prosecutor.
The PSE-EE representative in the area, Ekain Rico, requested an investigation, but said: “We suspect that this has happened other times.”
It comes as the PP failed to gain a seat in the Basque Country for the first time since Spain’s return to democracy.