THE MYSTERIES of Andalucia’s very own Stonehenge have been uncovered by a joint team of Spanish and American archaeologist.
Dolmen de soto, a 6,000-year-old megalithic monument was discovered in 1923 near Huelva and excavations revealed carved stones, painted to depict figures holding weapons.

An investigation by the universities of Alcala, Huelva, Sevilla, Castilla-La Mancha and Texas revealed a entire ancient complex under a 60-metre wide mound.
Experts have also found eight human remains in the monument, which has been dated back to the 4th millennium BC.
“If it had been located in the United Kingdom, for example, it would already be one of the most visited tourist sites.
“It is simply spectacular,” said Mimi Bueno-Ramírez, a professor of prehistory at Alcalá de Henares University in Madrid.