AROUND 100 plucky British expats have confirmed they will fly to London this week to take part in a huge Brexit protest.
They are all part of anti-Brexit group Bremain in Spain, whose aim is ‘campaigning for the UK to remain in the EU’.
The ‘Put It To The People’ event on March 23 is expected to be the ‘largest protest march in British history’.

It is organised by the People’s Vote campaign, who said: “Our demand is a simple one: that any Brexit is put to the people so that we can have the final say.”
Bremain in Spain have said that Brexit ‘was sold was a lie, a fantasy, and a pipe-dream.
John Moffett, vice chair of the group, and one of those making the journey, describes the protest as ‘one of the most important marches ever’.
“If Theresa May is allowed to have three meaningful votes when nothing has changed with her proposed deal, then we must demonstrate our commitment to a People’s Vote,” he said.

Sue Wilson, the group’s chair added: “We’ve supported the campaign for another referendum from the start, and we’ve actively campaigned to give the British public another say in this debate.”
The march will take place just six days before the UK is set to leave the EU, on March 29.
Back in October another London march, organised by the People’s Vote campaign, saw 700,000 protestors call for a second referendum in what was the largest demonstration since the Iraq War.
It comes as Theresa May’s Brexit deal could now be voted on for a third time this week, after MPs rejected it last week and also voted against the UK leaving the EU without a deal.
Why do you call them “Plucky”?
Why campaign for only a 2nd Referendum, while they are there they could call for a 3rd and 4th just to cover the possibility of getting the wrong answer.
Never mind referendums. Sign the official British Government petition to REVOKE Brexit. It is currently running at one million three hundred thousand and swiftly multiplying. Any British citizen with an e-mail address qualifies to sign.
One hundred thousand signatures brings on a debate in Parliament.
Having met Sue Wilson on the Manchester march, I would confirm the “pluckiness” of her gallant band.
As we all chanted that day B******S to Brexit !! Although I think Sue was too ladylike to use said chant.