THE 84 bales of hash that washed up on a Gibraltar beach have been valued at £14 million, according to the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP).
Just under three tonnes of ‘cannabis resin’ were found scattered on a beach following a storm last Thursday in the north in the Bay of Gibraltar.

According to police, the boat carrying the tightly-wrapped drugs parcels, ‘capsized spilling its cargo of bales into the sea’.
The 12m vessel, powered with three engines was spotted drifting in bad weather, before its cargo and three crew members were thrown overboard.

All three suspected drug traffickers were transferred to the port of Algeciras where they received medical attention.
As bales began to wash up on the Rock’s beaches, all available units of the RGP and Gibraltar Defence Police were scrambled to cordon off the area and recover the bales.
A spokesman for the RGP told the Olive Press that the investigation is continuing.