19 Aug, 2018 @ 15:26
1 min read

10 signs you’re fully immersed into the Spanish lifestyle

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You know you’ve gone native when you catch yourself singing the Mercadona jingle, writes Laura Wood of Grapevine Properties

  1. You consider it totally normal for shops to close between 2pm-5pm

Before the idea of life closing down between 2pm and 5pm seemed like a ridiculous notion. Now however, you plan your whole day around shop opening times.


2. You know the Mercadona jingle.

You know it, you’ve hummed it and, let’s face it; you’ve probably sung it out loud in the supermarket isles. Someone has merely got to say the word “Mercadona” and you can guarantee someone to chant that ever so catchy jingle.


3. You know the day feria is way better than the night feria

The night feria is for children, and you know that actually the real fun really goes down during the feria de día. Those mojitos though…


4. Mastering the tortilla de patatas has become a major part of your life

Practice makes perfect, and this delicious dish is a lot hard to master than it may seem.


5. You think tostadas con tomate with a café con leche is actually the perfect breakfast

Whilst tourists are hankering over a bacon and egg sandwich, you’d prefer nothing better than toasts with tomatoes, olive oil and a sprinkling of salt. All this accompanied by a café con leche, of course.


6. Speaking of café con leche, you always order it in a glass and not a mug

There’s no better way to enjoy a Spanish coffee than in a tall glass. The glass rim always burns your fingers, but the coffee itself somehow tastes so much better this way. Why this is, we will never know.


7. You get irritated with mispronunciations of words like Paella and Chorizo

You cringe a little inside when you hear people on the telly mispronouncing these words. You’ve probably heard the word Chorizo being said in around 5 different ways, none of which correct.


8. Mañana, Mañana, Mañana

Mañana isn’t just ‘tomorrow’ in Spanish; it’s a way of life. This relaxed manner that once irritated you, has actually grown on you overtime until it eventually has become one of the most endearing qualities of Spanish people.


9. Even though you live 30 minutes from the sea, you rarely go to the beach

You tell yourself “I’ll go to the beach all the time!” But in reality, why cover yourself in sand when most inland properties have a private pool?


10. Tinto de verano is your perfect summer drink

Literally translated into ‘summer wine’, you know there is nothing more refreshing on a hot summers day than a mix of red wine and casera/fantalimón over ice.

Staff Reporter

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