WHEN it comes to securing a university place on results day, it’s really important to have a backup plan. Whether you exceed your predicted grades, or don’t quite get the ones you wanted, now is the time to get ahead of the game.
Here’s University of Gibraltar’s 7-step plan to securing a space at university this year.
Step 1: What is clearing?
Clearing is an important part of the UCAS university application process. It allows universities a chance to fill any spaces they may have left ahead of the academic year. University applicants who don’t hold offers essentially get another chance of securing a university place
Step 2: Clearing is not the only option
Clearing is run by UCAS which means it only affects applications made through their system. If you’re hoping to get a space at university this year, it’s a good idea to explore all the options available – this includes direct application routes.
Step 3: Revisit your original choices
Do your research. Think back to what you were looking for in a course all those months ago and revisit the list of what was important to you at the time. For example, does the course offer industry placements? Will you miss home? Think about which courses/universities you would consider if you don’t get the grades you need.
Step 4: Keep an open mind
Do consider alternative options. For example, instead of Marketing would you consider Business with a Marketing major? If you have your heart set on a particular location because you were close to friends, it may be time to be flexible on where the course is located. You may be setting off for a different university, to study a different course, but the opportunities to meet new friends and get involved in student life remain the same.
Step 5: Don’t wait for results day
If you want to get ready for the big day, or perhaps already have your results, start contacting universities now and ask them about what courses they still have spaces on. If you would rather wait, A-level results are released on Thursday 16 August, ensure that you don’t have any fixed plans on that day just in case you need to make some phone calls.
Step 6: Don’t panic and stay positive!
You may need to make some fast decisions on results day, but try not to panic. If you’ve done your preparation you should have some idea of which universities to contact first. While it can be tempting to make a decision based on location, make sure you understand what the degree actually involves.
Step 7: If you can, go and visit them
The best way to decide if a university is right for you is to go and visit as you’ll speak to staff and find out exactly what they have to offer. For those students hoping to study business-related subjects, University of Gibraltar is accepting direct applications to its undergraduate Bachelor of Business Administration course so call their Clearing Hotline on +35020071000 Ext. 901 to find out more.