A PUNK singer has been arrested in Andalucia for ‘anti-establishment’ lyrics.
Evaristo Paramos was detained by Guardia Civil on Sunday after finishing a concert with his band Gatillazo in Jerez.
He was arrested for his ‘highly political’ and anti-establishment lyrics, but was later let go.
“After more than 30 years singing the same things, he’s now detained for it in 2018,” said actor and activist Willy Toledo.
“The Spanish fascism feels strong and validated and is showing itself openly without hesitating…
“The brutality and force shown are a clear symptom of panic in the face of its extreme weakness.”
Other politicians and parties also expressed their solidarity with Paramos, including the Basque Euskal Herria Bildu party.
It wrote on Twitter: “There’s no freedom of speech in the Spanish State. We stand in solidarity with Evaristo, who has been detained and accused, and with all artists that are under threat for criticizing the system with their songs, books and other artistic expressions #FreedomOfSpeech.”
Police have been arresting and sentencing artists for their political views, including charges for disrespecting the royal family, or even ‘praising terrorism’, for showing any kind of support for the now dissolved ETA or its political prisoners.
It comes after Pablo Hasel and Valtonyc fled Spain to avoid their five, and three and a half years sentences respectively, which they received over their lyrics, accused of praising terrorism and inciting violence.
PUNK singer Got a face like a builders elbow