12 May, 2018 @ 13:05
1 min read

Post with the most


ANY Blighter who no longer resides in Blighty will recognise the problem.

How do you maintain a legitimate address in the UK so that you can still receive mail from your bank, insurance company, passport office, DVLA and HMRC… or shop on Amazon or Ebay and then have your post reliably forwarded on to Spain, Gibraltar, Mallorca or the International Space Station?

In the madness that so typifies the months leading up to emigration, we tend to concentrate on lifestyle issues;  accommodation, employment, education for the kids, health care, the nearest beach, Red Lion Pub and chip shop.

Only later does the importance of leaving at least one foot planted on British soil start to dawn.

Many expats lay the responsibility for their mail at the door of a well-meaning friend or relative, but this ‘solution’ is rarely successful.

The excuses that your brother, sister-in-law, nephew, best mate from school etc is likely to use for not forwarding your mail are likely to include;   
1:  We sent them AGES ago!
2:  Our Sarah took them all to the post office, but they didn’t have Spanish stamps.
3:  We had a flood and it all got wet so the insurance company are trying to fix it.   
4:  I can’t find the envelope you left with the postage money in.
5:  The French have blocked the ports again.
…and you’ve probably heard many more!

The founders of expatpost have all lived abroad and experienced these challenges at first hand.

That is why we offer you a choice of real UK street addresses with dependable, affordable mail forwarding (all you pay for is the onward postage, at cost), secure online mailbox controls, and a scan and send option for when you MUST have that important letter today!

Go and have a look for yourselves at www.expatpost.uk.

Staff Reporter

DO YOU HAVE NEWS FOR US at Spain’s most popular English newspaper - the Olive Press? Contact us now via email: newsdesk@theolivepress.es or call 951 273 575. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618.

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