A SICK horse has died while many others have collapsed at the Feria de Abril in Sevilla this week.
The animal, which suffered from enteritis – an inflammation of the intestine – tragically died on Sunday after it had lugged a carriage across the city without eating or drinking all day.
Emergency services in Sevilla confirmed via Twitter that the owner of the horse has been denounced.
Por favor, al salir del Real de la #FeriaSevilla18 con tu caballo, directos a la cuadra por el camino más corto y seguro
Tu caballo lleva muchas horas de esfuerzo y merece un descanso.
De noche usa prendas reflectantes.
Colabora en el desalojo con #PolicíaSevilla y @policia#FFMM pic.twitter.com/GMPOMkNx6u— Emergencias Sevilla (@EmergenciasSev) April 16, 2018
La Policia Local has opened an investigation into the owner’s actions which could result in a fine of up to €1,500.
Animal rights party, PACMA, has condemned the incident and others on social media.
? Miles de animales ahogados por las riadas.
? Un caballo se desploma de un infarto al verse obligado a tirar de un carro en Sevilla.
? 4 elefantas siguen heridas en un descampado en Albacete.
¿Qué le pasa a este país? Los animales necesitan políticos que los defiendan. pic.twitter.com/3Ya2qttRlr
— PACMA (@PartidoPACMA) April 16, 2018
In a tweet, PACMA, said: “What is happening in this country? The animals need politicians who defend them.”