20 Feb, 2018 @ 10:50
1 min read

Spain vows to send more police officers to combat ‘narcos state’ in Cadiz

narcos vow e

SPAIN has vowed to send more police to Cadiz in an effort to prevent the south becoming a hotbed of narcos activity.

Spain’s interior minister pledged the city would ‘not be dominated by narcos’ after a string of brazen drug operations, attacking the police, unloading drugs in broad daylight and storming a hospital to free a suspected drug trafficker.

Extra police have been drafted in to help ease the strain on existing forces who are struggling to keep up with the drug traffickers.

“This is an area where the rule of law reigns and where we will fight every type of crime,” said interior minister Juan Zoido.

According to the ministry, 40% of all drugs that come to Spain arrive via Cadiz and Andalucia’s high youth unemployment is turning drug trafficking into an attractive option.

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