THE cold snap affecting most of Spain shows no signs of abating with 31 provinces still on alert for low temperatures.
Weather agency AEMET has warned thermometers could drop to -10C in Huesca, Avila, Zamora, Girona and Lleida.
Highs and lows across the whole country are forecast to be lower than average for February.
It comes after the lowest temperature so far was recorded today in Cap de Vaquèira, in the Catalan province of Lleida, where thermometers plummetted -15.2ºC.
AEMET said Friday could be the coldest day of the winter, a feeling that will be compounded by the wind-chill factor.
The lows across the country have been 3-6C lower than what is considered normal for this time of year, especially in the south.
Snow will continue in the Basque Country, Navarre, Cantabria, Burgos and La Rioja.
Barcelona could also see snow today.