BRITISH expats are demanding answers after being left with no internet for more than four weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.
Hundreds of angry customers have decended on the offices of OliveNet in Marbella when it became clear they would have no internet over Christmas.
They claimed they had been repeatedly promised that the service that went down in early December would quickly be back. It was not.
Lynda Woodin, 70, whose internet access is crucial to her online magazine business, said she was made a ‘priority concern’ in early December, but she has still not been reconnected.
“It’s just not good enough,” she told the Olive Press, “I have a business to run and I have just been passed around constantly.
“After visiting the head offices today I was told it would be sorted by the time I got home, but it hasn’t been yet. “I haven’t been able to video call family in Australia for weeks.
“I asked for an apology but all I got was a shrug of the shoulders.
“They also said if I needed someone to come and fix something that I would be charged, it’s a disgrace!”
Woodin was told again last night that it would be fixed, but within an hour of her internet coming back on it stopped working. OliveNet offered to send someone to her home in Marbella, but said it would cost 40 euros per hour.
“It’s outrageous,” added Woodin, “Considering what we have been through they should be sending out repairmen free of charge.”
Customers were reportedly sent a letter at the beginning of last month explaining that there would be some issues between December 5 and 11 but that everything would return to normal afterwards, but for most that hasn’t been the case.
Another expat businessman claims he had a ‘nightmare’ Christmas period and was also given false promises that it would be fixed within 24 hours on several occasions. “I have no idea what is happening or what has gone wrong, but they are definitely hiding something from their customers,” he told the Olive Press.
The restaurant owner, who asked to remain anonymous, said a protest could have erupted last week at the offices in San Pedro.
“There must have been 200 people there wanting to know why they have no internet, it was utter chaos.”
OliveNet were unable to comment.
“I haven’t been able to video call family in Australia for weeks…”
Sure you can, just find a wifi hotspot (there are hundreds in Marbella) and Skype them, or just get a cheap dongle/PAYG SIM from somewhere like Yoigo. There is always another way to get online, so a silly thing to say, Lynda. Most 12 year olds have smartphones these days lol.