1 Nov, 2017 @ 10:27
1 min read

Tolo Cursach witness claims police offered her bribe to leave Spain

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A PROTECTED witness in the Tolo Cursach case claims police offered her money to leave Spain.

The witness, formerly a madame  at a brothel, has testified that ‘King Of The Night’ Cursach paid for orgies with prostitutes for high-ranking Mallorca politicians.

BRIBES: Cursach witness claims cops offered money

She claims two National Police officers came to her home in September and asked for her passport.

The reason for the visit was ‘to give me airline tickets and money to leave Spain to not testify in the Cursach case’.

Following a job interview, she claims two officers were waiting in an unmarked car outside for her.

One officer verbally threatened her, she says, telling her she was ‘in a circle she doesn’t know how to get out of and it will cost her a lot’.

This week, the witness filed the denuncia with a Palma court following the alleged incidents.

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