11 Oct, 2017 @ 17:24
1 min read

ON THE RISE: Let’s talk about erectile dysfunction, says leading Marbella clinic

men solutions
HUSH HUSH: Not talking can lead to suffering in silence

MEN who do not talk about their erectile problems risk making the problem worse, according to Men Solutions.

Men Solutions are a private clinic with two surgeries in Madrid and Marbella and offer a free consultation for anyone who feels uneasy about their manhood.  

The company focuses their efforts on developing innovative ways of treating common male afflictions including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lack of libido, andropause and Peyronie’s disease.

Head of marketing Jamie Merino, 56 said: “It is an illness but it doesn’t show because we don’t talk to each other so people suffer in silence.

“Drinking is a major factor in erectile dysfunction. It’s very important to control your own habits.”

The average age of men visiting the Marbella surgery is 55+ yet they are seeing an increasing number of younger (35-40) patients due to the stressful lives of modern men.

Screenings are free and services are tailor made to the different needs of each individual walking through the surgery that work ‘in 80% of cases.’

Jamie said the cost of operations is approximately 2,000 depending on what is required for the patient’s condition and hopes in the future ‘to be all around the country, innovating new technologies for patients.’

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