30 Sep, 2017 @ 15:21
1 min read

Make room for the mushrooms as bumper Mallorca season predicted

Mushroom mallorca
FUNGI FOR ALL: Mushroom season in Mallorca

MUSHROOM season in Mallorca is set for a bumper harvest after September’s heavy rains, an expert has predicted.

Carles Constantino from the Balearic Museum of Natural Sciences said that early-sprouting mushrooms were now being seen around the island.

FUNGI FOR ALL: Mushroom season in Mallorca

Mallorca has more than 100 edible mushrooms out of some 2,000 species on the island, with the recent wet conditions providing a boost.

“It has rained on wet ground, and that is good for mushrooms because the earth is humid and there is not much wind,” said Constantino.

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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