2 Sep, 2017 @ 11:53
1 min read

Reveller knocked down by out-of-control ball substituted for running bulls

BAll fight
BALL FEVER: Giant sphere slams into reveller at Spanish fiesta

A FIESTA that let runners chase a 300kg ball instead of bulls, ended with one reveller seriously injured after the giant sphere slammed him against a fence.

Two other festival goers in Mataelpino, near Madrid, were also hurt, one sustaining three broken ribs, as the ball careered out of control down a hill.

The most seriously injured victim suffered a clot in the head after the sickening collision.

The fiesta in the town of 1,700 has used a ball instead of bulls for seven years, but this year approval was given to increase the ball weight from 100 to 300kg.

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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