THE BALEARIC Islands are the third most expensive place in Spain to go out for a beer.
Palma de Mallorca ranks behind only Madrid and the Basque Country for the price of a cana, according to a study by Cuponation.
A cheeky half in the Mallorca capital will set you back on average €2.25, compared to €2.93 in Madrid and €2.29 in the bars of San Sebastian or Bilbao.
Cadiz is the cheapest city in Spain to nip out for a livener, with a small beer there costing on average just €1.25.
Other regions that are easy on the drinkers’ wallet included Aragon (€1.59), Murcia (€1.60) and Castilla La Mancha (€1.75).
The average price for a beer nationwide is 1.87, according to the Cuponation survey.
According to statistics provided by the Federacion Espanola de Hosteleria y Restauracion (FEHR) Spain has 101.397 bars, one for every 458 inhabitants.