BRITISH expat campaigners in Spain have slammed Theresa May’s offer on retaining current citizens’ rights.
Expats living in the EU are concerned the prime minister will sacrifice some of their rights during discussions.
Sue Wilson of Bremain In Spain urged May to accept the EU’s proposals rather than the 15-page plan she unveiled in the House Of Commons this week.

Wilson said: “If May wants to be ‘fair and serious’, she should just agree quickly to everything the EU has already proposed. We are merely asking to maintain the status quo, with no degradation of our rights – it’s not a matter of generosity but of justice.”
She added: “If she is proposing to limit rights and freedoms in any way, then we deserve to know which of those rights she is prepared to sacrifice.”
Under May’s plans, EU nationals with five years residence in the UK would get ‘settled status’, although it is unclear what would happen if, for example, someone had returned home to nurse a sick relative.
May’s document also indicated the cutoff date could be as early as 29 March 2017, with EU nationals arriving after that date not included in any deal
The EU insists the cutoff date should not come before the date of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
British in Europe, a coalition of 11 campaign groups, said it feared the views of Brits in the EU were not being heeded.
“We believe the UK government must do a lot more to show that it takes seriously its duty of care and protection to 1.2 million UK citizens in Europe. Otherwise we run the risk of being the sacrificial lambs of Brexit,” said Jane Golding, chair of British in Europe.
“Most of [Ms May’s proposal] is dealing with the immigration status of EU citizens in the UK, yet we represent by far the largest national group of people who will be impacted by the citizens’ rights deal.
“The government strategy is clearly putting our future rights at risk.”
The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier said May’s plans needed ‘more ambition, clarity and guarantees’.
A coalition of 11 campaign groups……….so thats 11 people in total then…LOLOL.
The prime minister MUST do what right for the UK and NOT adhere or LISTEN to some selfish worthless campaign groups designed to disrupt anything they dont agree with…..move along Bremain and the likes …….find someone else to hinder…!!!!
Most of those British citizens have paid their dues in the UK over their entire working life.
Your comment is beyond disgusting to suggest they should be deprived of what they have worked and paid for
Well said Michael.
The PM surely ought to bear in mind the interests of the hundreds of thousands of Brits living abroad as well.
Idiot… What don’t you understand about the word ‘group’?
In my dictionary it is clearly more than one!
Viz:-group |gru?p|
noun [ treated as sing. or pl. ]
1 a number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together: a group of boys approached | the bulbs should be planted in groups.
• a number of people that work together or share certain beliefs: I now belong to my local drama group.
• a commercial organization consisting of several companies under common ownership: the largest newspaper group in the UK.
• a number of musicians who play popular music together. I’ve always been a fan of the guitarists in the group.
• Military a division of an air force, usually consisting of two or more stations.
group |gru?p|
noun [ treated as sing. or pl. ]
1 a number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together: a group of boys approached | the bulbs should be planted in groups.
• a number of people that work together or share certain beliefs: I now belong to my local drama group.
• a commercial organization consisting of several companies under common ownership: the largest newspaper group in the UK.
• a number of musicians who play popular music together. I’ve always been a fan of the guitarists in the group.
• Military a division of an air force, usually consisting of two or more stations.
What idiot thinks a group is just one person!? They represent over one million people!
You have really no idea, do you, I do hope you are not a UK immigrant living here in Spain, as Spain or the UK immigrants and expats deserve such bigoted replies.
“MUST do what right for the UK ….” So that would be stay in the EU then. Best for Britain, best for British jobs, best for the economy and best for the 1.2 million British people living in the EU.
Anyone who really believes the barely-clinging-on Prime Minister, who has to buy the support of a backward and grasping lot like the DUP to stay in power, is trying to do what’s right for the UK, is in for a terrible shock. She doesn’t seem to mind listening to people determined to destroy the NHS, or people wanting to sell arms to the Saudis, or any number of other unsavoury interest groups and professional lobbyists. So why shouldn’t she listen to groups of citizens campaigning for the rights of other ordinary citizens – even ones too deluded to understand what their best interests are.
Oh dear, another one who posts with the caps lock on – a sure sign of false logic.
The British government has a mandate to leave the EU, but no mandate to take rights away from millions of ordinary citizens who have done nothing wrong.
The British used to be reknowned for fair play – not anymore it seems with Theresa May’s half baked and ill thought out proposals – a hallmark of her government.
You want to run like the other lemmings off the cliff. The only good deal that can come out of this debacle is the one we already have
The coalition has over 30,000 members, all of whom are very concerned about what the future holds. May’s offer is vastly inferior, for both EU citizens in UK & Brits in EU, to the offer we have already had from the EU – why should we have any of our rights removed because of Brexit? It’s full of holes & doesn’t promise anything – it just “seeks” to protect our healthcare. Brits in EU barely even get a mention.
I worked in the UK, full-time, until I was 60 when I retired. I now live in Spain. Surely my views are as relevant as those of any other British person? Why should I be deprived of peace of mind because I chose to live in Europe well before Brexit had even been thought of?
I worked in the UK, full-time, until I was 60 when I retired. I now live in Spain. Surely my views are as relevant as those of any other British person? Why should I be deprived of peace of mind because I chose to live in Europe well before Brexit had even been thought of?
What would be “right for the UK” would be to do a U-turn on Brexit altogether and cancel the whole thing. Theresa May is rather fond of U-turns… she could do all of us a massive favour.
Silly Brexiteers know they are on thin ice, so panicky reactions, such as Jack’s are par for the course Michael. Pointless looking for logic in an Alice in Wonderland situation such as Brexit.
Well said Michael, it is embarrassing to have to read such bigoted comments
The clue is in the word Jack. “Groups”. Plural. Just a few more than 1 person per group. You can play it down as much as you like but these groups are large in numbers and adding more like minded members each day. Selfish and worthless are the absolute opposite of what these groups are and what they believe in. They are fighting hard to keep the rights for both EU citizens in the UK and British citizens in EU countries. What’s selfish about that? Say what you will, we are REMOANERS AND PROUD.
REMOANERS….lolol…….learn to spell…….you represent your sort very well…..!!..lolol
Agree totally with Michael, Agnes, Steve Mc and Val.
….and this British citizen, as well as having paid into the system all my working life, as an ex social worker is forced to pay tax in the UK on my pension… feel therefore that I am entitled more than many to have an opinion which makes me neither selfish nor worthless! Incidentally, Jack Daww, your mother had a great sense of humour naming you that LOL LOL, or is it, as I suspect, you’re too scared to give your real name to the people you are insulting?!!!
Following 40 plus continuous years of working, paying all taxes and dues, retiring to Spain on the full understanding as Europeans our rights of what we paid into, worked for are protected, it must be a criminal act not to do so…. what court in any humane and progressive land, would not agree to this??
It’s a rubbish offer from a rubbish government but the EU27 will chuck it out for sure.
Thank God the EU27 hold all the power and we can rely on them to force the UK government to act like members of the human race. Note how May wants to make the cut off date ‘somewhere between 29 March 2017 and 29 March 2019’. I hope the EU force them to make it 29 March 2019.
A special thanks to Sue Wilson and Bremain for all the wonderful work they are doing and don’t be deterred by the UK based trolls on the OP who have no connection with Spain.
I am British. I paid UK taxes, UK National Insurance, all my working life (45 years)and am still tax assessed in the UK, receive my pension from there. I live in the EU because my husband has a business in Germany and we have a family and grandchildren in Germany. I am one of the many, many people in this position throughout Europe and am worried sick about whether I will lose my rights as an EU citizen and about the future of my healthcare. I have no home in the UK and our house in Germany would be difficult to sell, being in the countryside. We bought it years before Brexit was even thought of. My husband can’t transfer his business to the UK. Our grandchildren are German. So if I were to return to the UK I would forfeit my marriage and my relationship with my grand children, in addition to my house. I would also be an ageing “drain” on NHS facilities.”Jack Daww”, whoever you are, please try thinking things through before making inflammatory comments.
Chris Atkinson-Price. Have you checked this out with your husband’s accountant. Example. If you are a retired pensioner and resident in Spain you pay NO tax in the UK on state pensions etc but come under the Spanish taxation system. The only time you pay tax in the UK which comes under the heading of “tax at source” is on income from property which the personal allowance and expenditures can be deducted from. Don’t know if that’s any help and maybe put your mind at rest.
As for your rights, negotiations are currently being discussed between the UK and the EU regarding citizens rights which the UK has submitted the rights for EU citizens in the UK which needs sorting out but believe in the long run all rights will be adhered to.
I am an expat, a member of Bremain in Spain and a proud European. I also belong to many groups campaigning to stop Brexit. My reason for doing this is not for me but for the thousand of people who are being forced into leaving the European Union by a Prime Minister who has no mandate and who is now in a coalition with terrorists. I have made many friends since last June and Sue Wilson is one of them. Good to work with you Sue.
“Jack Daww” ? Like magpies, they are known to show interest in shiny objects such as jewellery. John Gay, in his Beggar’s Opera, notes that “A covetous fellow, like a jackdaw, steals what he was never made to enjoy, for the sake of hiding it”. In Tobias Smollett’s The Expedition of Humphry Clinker, a scathing character assassination runs, “He is ungracious as a hog, greedy as a vulture, and thievish as a jackdaw.” Seems like you have chosen a suitable pseudonym.
I am also an avid remain campaigner working with many pro remain groups here in the EU and in the UK. I’m proud to call Sue Willson a close friend. I am however also on another mission once Brexit totally falls apart – which obviously it will. I won’t forget the hypocrisy of fellow ‘expats’ who have openly supported Brexit because in my mind none of you deserve to stay in the EU. So, be warned, all of you that have openly made posts supporting Brexit over the last year, proudly sharing your derogatory opinions despite the fact you are guests in the EU27! I’m on to you all, so best make sure you are all ready to put your money where your mouth is and are prepared to return back to save the UK from destruction, because leave voting expats are simply not welcome here! Keep fighting fellow remainers.
That is bordering on a hate speech.
And that John, is what Northeners call, bloody mard
Thank Heaven for the Groups fighting for the rights of those of us who moved to Europe and the EU citizens in the U.K., this is not being undemocratic, but simply a statement of fact that we are all being used as human bargaining chips, similar to hostages in a terrorist situation. We all moved countries within Europe under the belief we could without detriment to our livelihoods. We all have differing opinions and rational as to whether Brexit is the right or wrong thing to do for the United Kingdom, we wish only the very best for the futures of those living in the U.K…. but for those of us innocently caught in the crossfire, it is tantamount to criminal injustice. My thanks to Sue Wilson and others so active on our behalf, it’s good to know someone has our best interests at heart.
What would be interesting to know is when the EU collapses what happens then. Will there be a rush for the Financial sector to scurry back to the UK. What happens to the massive debt the EU have. Will claims be made to individual EU countries. What happens to all the properties the EU have. The list is endless. One can see the panic by the EU due Britain leaving the bloc. Do you think the UK foresees the problem by getting out quickly. Needs think of especially as Frau Merkel can now see at least 5 countries which could follow Brexit, France being one of them. What will happen to all EU and British citizens scattered around this continent. Is this the end of the EU.
The Domino effect is just starting with Britain the “little Englander” leading the way. The problem is that the EU is being led by unelected big wigs that were PM of small countries and have tried to copy countries in 45 years which had taken the said countries hundreds of years to achieve. Finally I would like to know, what has happened to the concept of the common market. The list is long.
very well put Carlos…..i agree with you 100%
It is all a plot to save the Euro. Within the two brexit years, Naughty Charley will likely raise to the throne. And his ears won’t fit on the back of the coin. The whole of the EU might look too silly with that.
Pleased to read a sensible answer and pleased to see you are a true patriot.