19 Jun, 2017 @ 12:47
1 min read

Mallorca hotel casts doubt on British mother over baby snatch claim

SNATCH DOUBT: Hotel says no kidnap suspects on CCTV footage

A MALLORCA hotel has cast doubt on a Brit mum claiming her baby was almost kidnapped while on holiday.

Blaise Deacon says a mystery woman tried to snatch her 23-month-old daughter from Calas de Mallorca’s HYB Eurocalas hotel.

The woman allegedly grabbed the tot and told Ms Deacon she was taking her while her partner and sister were in the toilet.

SNATCH DOUBT: Hotel says no kidnap suspects on CCTV footage

Ms Deacon claimed the hotel ‘refused to call the police as it would make the hotel look bad’.

But a hotel spokesperson hit back, saying:”We aren’t aware that the clients have reported to the facts to the police or to the judge as was recommended at the time.

“The hotel has looked at the CCTV recordings and hasn’t been able to establish anybody that matches the description given by the mother.”

The spokesperson added: “It’s not true that the hotel refused to call the police. We behaved in a diligent way, offering all our support.”

Ms Deacon, from Kent, said the woman came up to her around 11pm on Saturday night and put her arms round the child.

“The lady put her arms around her telling us that she was taking her. But I held on tight as my sister told her no. When the women realised she wasn’t getting her she took off running,” she said.

“I chased her and she ran out of the hotel into a car.”

She described the woman as blonde with dark skin, with police now investigating the claims.

The family returned to the UK last Tuesday.

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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