LIBERAL Democrat leader Tim Farron has slammed the ‘utter unfairness’ of British expats being denied a vote in next month’s general election.
Farron pledged the Lib Dems would grant MPs to expat constituencies to represent the 1.2 million British citizens living in the EU.

Farron, who has cancelled Tuesday’s planned trip to Gibraltar in the wake of the Manchester suspected terror attack, accused the Conservative Party of ‘breaking their word’ after stating in its 2015 election manifesto it would grant the vote to expats who had lived out of the UK for more than 15 years.
“In their 2015 manifesto, the Conservatives pledged to remove the 15-year rule, but they refused to apply this to the referendum and in February this year, dropped the policy and broke their word,” said Farron.
“But the Liberal Democrats recognise the utter unfairness of a system which denies UK citizens living abroad a vote.”
He also warned that ‘millions here in Europe’ face ‘the uncertainty that an extreme Brexit’ would bring ‘possibly without any deal at all’.
“That is why in our manifesto, we’ve committed to establishing specific constituencies for all UK citizens who live abroad,” he added.
Farron went on to accuse Theresa May of ‘disregarding’ Gibraltar.
“96% of you voted to remain in the EU, but your voices have now been disregarded,” said Farron.
“In the letter Theresa May sent at the end of March, triggering Article 50 and setting out the so-called ‘principles’ of negotiation, Gibraltar was not mentioned at all.”
Farron was speaking after May endured a torrid day on the campaign trail, with the Conservative Party leader grilled by journalists over her backtrack on the proposed ‘dementia tax’.
Accusing May of a ‘twisted view’, Farron blasted her record since taking office in July last year.
“Since the referendum, she has spent more time cosying up to regimes in Turkey and Saudi Arabia than she has engaging with the remaining EU states to work out the best deal for British people,” said Farron
“But this twisted view of the world, where human rights are crushed, refugees trampled on and weapons exchanged with those who use them on civilians, this is not the Britain I love.”
1.2 million? That is more than the Syrian refugees in Europe! That must be unsustainable for Europe. Everybody out!
It’s a sensible idea. The French have 11 deputies to represent those who live outside France. It gives their expatriates a sense of not being forgotten. The British could learn from this. It’s doubtful if Brexit would have passed with the input from the Brits abroad.
Farron can promise the Earth, but there’s no way he will be able to deliver. Lib Dems currently have eight MPs and not much prospect of many more after the election. He’s even offered to legalise cannabis, it’s easy to see how that will go down in Daily Wail Britain….
The votes for expats is only a part of the legislation stopped by the election, it has not been ´denied´ as stated by Farron. There is no reason it cannot be reinstated in the legislation programme after the election. Usual political froth and half truth.
What is the point hangon, in reinstating the vote for European expats AFTER the election? Perhaps one or two of those people might want to vote against the Tories/ex-ukippers cum Brexiteers. After all, maybe the European expat vote could have swung the referendum the other way.
Well if it was one or two it would not have made a difference, it would have required more than 1.7 million to have made a difference.
My point was that it was not the only legislation put on hold or put back by the election and Farron portraying it as an unqualified denial was froth rather than fact.
Not familiar with British understatement hangon? My “one or two” refers to the coming election.
There are over one and a half million rascals living abroad, I still say they could have swung the referendum, if they hadn’t had so many turkeys and disqualified among them.
Well familiar with understatement, how is your arithmetic?
So much for a Farron promise. Bye bye Holy Joe. A “Liberal” who can’t stand the thought of two people of the same sex making love? There will be a place in Heaven for him. Or if not, the D.U.P. will welcome him, while the Rev. Ian Paisley smiles down at his latest convert.