THE Fuengirola to Marbella train line extension has been touted as one of the most urgent infrastructure projects in Spain.
The Association of Spanish construction companies Seopan has placed the long-hoped extension on high priority, which has boosted calls for a national government budget to be allocated for it.
Two studies have concluded that the construction of the railway which would run along the coast would save €295 million per year, placing it above 813 other infrastructure projects in terms of importance.
They include Madrid and Barcelona rail improvements and work on Madrid’s ring road.
It comes after Malaga’s government budget was slashed to €130m, meaning there is less money to fund much-needed infrastructure projects.
Being called “important” in Spain will mean that it will never be done.
As the article clearly says:
– there is no budget allocated
– projects around Madrid and Barcelona have highest priority
– Malagas government budget has been cut
After the coast became “concreted” where should there be a place left to build a railway?
Also: corruption index of Spain is still high. Therefor the EU hopefully will not put this train on its project list.
Isn’t Spain already way over acceptable limits for cash loans? Isn’t Spain under some sort of threat from the EU for being in such a poor financial position? An extension to the railway may well be highly desirable but like just about everything, it will cost money to build especially now as land will no longer be as cheap as it was to acquire some years ago when perhaps the extension should have been done.
Trouble with the EU is the funds that each country pay comes of everyone that pays tax of any kind. When the money come from the EU it only goes to a favoured few and will never benefit all the people that have paid for it.