2 May, 2017 @ 13:36
1 min read

House prices in Barcelona soar by 19% in first quarter of 2017

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The sex party was being held in the centre of Barcelona

HousePriceUpHOME prices in Barcelona have increased by a whopping 19% in the first quarter of 2017.

The going rate in the Catalunyan capital is now around €4,100 per square metre.

According to Idealista, the city beat out its wealthy compatriot Madrid, where properties are selling for around €2,900 per square meter.

Barca has experienced a boom in foreign buyers over the last ten years, with foreign demand now accounting for 15% of total demand, up from almost nothing a decade ago.

1 Comment

  1. House prices? Tiny little old flats where you can listen to your neighbour enjoy the lavatory or snoop in the next flat above below and on either side with paper thin walls. Where you Never sleep due to the noisy lifts and partygoers. Still, good for the young and peter pans I guess! Amazing what cannabis does for an economy isn’t it, JUST ADMIT IT this is what is fueling the economy in Barcelona AND LEGALIZE and the same will happen in your area.

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