A MALAGA firm has donated more than €3000 to help the Fuengirola Bioparc conserve critically endangered apes.
Bornean orangutans and white-bearded gibbons can now be better helped by the foundation thanks to Micolchon, which gave the money to Bioparc’s project in the Sabangau Forest in Borneo.
Since 2013 the foundation, which has a popular nature park in the heart of Fuengirola, has been repairing the devastation caused by rampant tree felling in Borneo.
The money, which was raised through sales of its coco supreme firm mattress, will also be used to help restore the forest to its natural state and safeguard other species.
The project is one of 20 that the foundation collaborates in around the world.
A foundation spokesman said that by renewing its contract with the park, ‘Micolchon has renewed its commitment to conserve the planet through this little gesture that generates awareness’.