15 Mar, 2017 @ 17:25
1 min read

€690 spent on Spanish frozen vegetables last year

€ million spent on frozen veg

e690-million-spent-on-frozen-vegSPAIN’S frozen vegetable industry grew by 8%, achieving a turnover of €690 million in 2016.

According to the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Frozen Vegetables, the sector increased production by 50% over the last 10 years.

Broccoli, peppers and peas are the most popular frozen Spanish products.

1 Comment

  1. A positive trend. Frozen veg. saves a lot of waste, using just what’s needed at the time. It is also likely to be much fresher in use, when frozen straight from the field. The only drawback is packaging, more thought needs to be given to re-cycling, but all in all, your freezer is your best friend.

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