ALMERIA has the highest proportion of ‘black money’ in the country.
For the last five years the sun-baked province has been at the top of the underground economy rankings, the Ministry of Finance revealed.
Some 32% of the economy in Almeria is based on undeclared or illegal financial transactions.
The GDP of the province is about €13,000 million, meaning that the black market in Almeria represents over €4 million per year.
The industries which see the most illegal trading are agriculture, construction and hospitality.
Someone needs to go back to primary school to do basic arithmatic.
While your there Stuart do some basic spelling. Arithmetic with an e not a!!!
It’s ‘you’re’ or ‘you are’ not ‘your’.
If you’re going to be picky, tamtamgo, it’s “you’re” not “your” ????
Simple typo which of course you never make – why not respond to the comment I made or is simple arithmetic a bit difficult for you as well.
grammer/spelling Nazism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, take no notice of them Stuart.
And GIBRALTAR has the highest proportion of ‘black money’ in the continent.