LOCALS of a minute Spanish town went into meltdown when Justin Bieber’s website mistakenly announced he would be touring there in November.
Villagers in Belmonte de Tajo, which has just 1,400 residents, could not belieb their small town would be hosting such a huge concert.
Twitter soon went into overdrive as word spread across Spain that the unassuming town just 65km from Madrid would be hosting one of the world’s biggest stars.
But the town mayor Amador Salinas soon broke the news that it was all a mistake, but not before joining in on mocking the error.
“There are no parties planned for November here so we’re not sure how to prepare for this event,” he said.

“I suppose we could always get the football stadium ready but we’re a bit short of time.”
The error showed that the 22 year old would be performing at a privately-owned semi-detached house.
Fans browsing www.justinbiebermusic.com were offered VIP tickets for a November 23 performance at the Barclaycard Arena in Belmonte de Tajo, Spain – the name of Birmingham’s sports and entertainment venue 3,700km away where the singer was bringing his Purpose World Tour.

There was even an address for the concert venue which on Google Maps appeared to be a privately-owned semi-detached house.
While pictures of the red-roofed home opposite a bus stop boasted a few plastic chairs and tables in the front garden, it didn’t seem capable of catering to thousands of screaming Beliebers.
A ‘Where to Eat’ section on the Belmonte de Tajo town website lists four bars.
An ironmonger’s and butcher’s are listed as two of the six recommended places to visit.
Town hall officials said they were bombarded with phone calls after the gaffe.
One local jokingly said: “If Justin really wants to come here, we’ve got a small municipal centre he could use.
“But thousands of people are going to descend on the town if he does end up here and I think so many Beliebers in such a small space could be dangerous.”