28 Sep, 2016 @ 12:48
1 min read

Crime boss Daniel Kinahan helped convicted killer Dave Mahon arrange a fundraiser for his missing stepdaughter

mahon kinahan

mahon-kinahanCONVICTED killer Dave Mahon and his wife Audrey Fitzpatrick solicited the help of crime boss Daniel Kinahan to arrange a fundraiser for their missing daughter Amy Fitzpatrick.

A photograph has emerged of the couple with Kinahan enforcer Aaron Bolger at the Auld Dubliner pub in Puerto Banus.

In the photo Audrey is presenting Bolger with a certificate thanking Kinahan for helping set up a fundraiser.

Enforcer Bolger was injured in a shooting at a MGM Marbella boxing weigh in in Dublin in a hit attempt on Daniel Kinahan.

Meanwhile, a documentary about Amy’s disappearance presented by Irish crime journalist Donal MacIntyre has been postponed after the TV company received a legal letter from Mahon’s lawyers.

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