26 Jun, 2016 @ 12:04
1 min read

Supermarket survey shows Spaniards spurn fruit and vegetables

Fruits and Veggies e
Exports in Spain’s Malaga grow by 8% achieving ‘all-time record’

Fruits-and-VeggiesONLY 11% of Spanish adults eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables, a new survey shows.

The Lidl Five A Day study also revealed that 47% of women eat fruit at some point during the day with 29% of children eating just one portion of vegetables a day.

The supermarket giant has now launched a campaign called Frutitour to raise awareness of the importance of eating five portions of fruit and veg a day.

Among those surveyed, the most popular fruit and veg were potatoes (93%), tomatoes (90%), bananas (87%), lettuce (82%), and apples (80%).

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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