SPANISH doctors in Barcelona have warned of a rise in ´sex roulette´.
The trend sees people have unprotected sex at parties where one person secretly has HIV.
Partygoers are said to get a ´thrill´ from knowing they might get infected.
Dr Josep Mallolas of Hospital Clinic Barcelona said the parties are a sign that people have ´lost respect´ for HIV.
He said: “There is everything: sex roulette parties, or sex parties you can only attend if you already have HIV.”
The parties are being attended by people of all sexualities.
Often attendees are given blue pills purchased on the black market which allegedly reduce the risk of contracting HIV
Serbian stripper Tijana claimed last year that the parties came from Serbia.
She said: “This bizarre variation that seems popular for extreme sex. People who turn up for the party wear masks, and one of them has HIV.
“The wealthy organise these sex parties for other rich people. The real kick for these people is apparently the risk that they might be the one having sex with the HIV-infected partner.”
She said: “HIV treatment is much more accessible and effective in this era, and people living with HIV are living healthier lives and into old age. As such, many people may feel that becoming infected with HIV isn’t such a big deal.”