31 Mar, 2016 @ 08:05
1 min read

Only four countries set more homework than the Spanish

homework spain e

homework spainSTUDENTS in Spain spend more time on homework than their counterparts in all but four countries in the world, according to a World Health Organisation survey.

Teachers in Spain are setting more than six hours of homework per week for their students.

Homework in Russia takes 10 hours per week on average, Italians receive more than eight hours, the Irish rack up seven hours and the Poles spend almost seven hours a week on after-class work.

However, an OCDE study said Spanish kids are also the happiest and healthiest.

Iona Napier

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1 Comment

  1. Did you mean OECD? The OECD homework report is here: “http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/does-homework-perpetuate-inequities-in-education_5jxrhqhtx2xt-en”. It does not mention that “Spanish kids are also the happiest and healthiest”. Anyway, it depends on which report you read. “http://www.dutchdailynews.com/dutch-kids-ranked-happiest-in-the-world/” says that UNICEF rank the Netherlands as having the happiest kids in the world, and Spain were at the very bottom.

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