SPAIN’S nuclear power stations are close to completing vital safety enhancements put in place after Japan’s 2011 Fukushima disaster.
The measure were introduced in 2012 by the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group following a European Council report.
Work to protect Spanish plants from natural disasters including earthquakes and floods is now 80% complete.
Extra cooling systems have been added, and a central emergency support unit set up.
“Nuclear power plants are solidly prepared to face foreseen events at their design bases,” said a statement from Spain’s nuclear industry body Foronuclear..
“In addition, the plants have additional margins to face with sufficient guarantees any extreme events beyond their design bases as well as the consequences of these events.”
‘Sufficient’ guaranties in case of a meltdown? Do the Spanish assume that ECB will print the needed amout of money for them in case of a meltdown?
Besides the costs for the people being directly affected and for the land being contaminated for 10,000 years: who will pay the missing 100 Billion Euros that Spain anually earns from tourism?
There is no such thing as “safe” nuclear power. Everything said in favour of it is a lie. Simple as.
Give us the alternatives, or give us death.