THE Socialist PSOE is threatening to pull the plug on deals struck with Podemos in May’s local elections.
Pedro Sanchez’s party is thinking about breaking the pacts after Podemos twice failed to back his bid to be prime minister in Congress.

On Friday, Sanchez failed in the second investiture vote in Congress.
Spain’s political parties have two months to try to form a government before new elections on June 26.
In May, PSOE and Podemos entered into local pacts to keep the PP out of power.
“We gave them our support in exchange for nothing at all, without any red lines,” a PSOE spokesperson said.
The PSOE struck deals with Podemos in Cadiz, Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Ferrol and Cadiz.
“We are going to be very demanding when it comes to the management of councils where Podemos is backed by the PSOE,” a PSOE source said.
Meanwhile, Rajoy stays in power. I doubt the PSOE will break council pacts if it means the PP tale back control. Spanish politics is like a train wreck in slow motion.
Words like ‘in a brewery’ spring to mind. Just imagine what a basket case Spain would be with this lot in charge. They haven’t a hope in hell of agreeing on anything and even if they did, they would make a complete hash of it.
Sanchez will promise the earth and deliver nothing. The Eurozone does not allow him the fiscal freedom he needs to carry out the reforms he bangs on about.
Jane, you mean Spain could become even MORE of a basket-case? Roll on a fresh election and hope Podemos can swing it this time, leaving behind the PSOE/PP ping-pong.