FOUR emaciated puppies and their starving mother have been rescued by expats in a daring raid on a hellish Costa dog den.
The four-week-old pitbulls and their mother were spirited to safety from a squalid outdoor cage on wasteland behind Casares Golf.
A local British family stepped in after hearing their howls of anguish and finding them on the point of death, crammed into a filthy pen, surrounded by their excrement.
“They were like skeletons,” explained the longtime expat, who insisted on remaining anonymous.
“I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I was shaking with horror.
“The dogs were sitting in their own excrement and very ill, while the mother had big gashes. “When the pups were taken to the vet they couldn’t even neuter them because their umbilical cords were so infected. I’ll never forget their eyes.
“Whoever did this is a barbarian,” she added.
The heartless Spanish owners are thought to have visited only occasionally since last summer and none of the dogs were microchipped.
It is believed the pups were being bred to sell on as fighting dogs, although when the Olive Press visited the site it was deserted.
The four puppies and their mother have now been rehoused safely.